Monday, December 27, 2010

365 Days of Blogging, Day 1

Okay-So I thought I would start tonight with a picture of my favorite piece of furniture we have in the house--one that I am not sure how long we will have out, but I will hold onto for as long as I can. It is Nathanael's Car couch. The first time I brought it home, Nathanael knew it was his special couch. He was so young, around a year, and knew how to lay the couch down, sit it back up, and would sit in that couch for so long just looking around observing the world around it.

Nathanael has grown so much even in the short time we have had the couch, and it is hard to believe he is almost too big to use it anymore as a cough--but on rare occasions when he is tired and wants to rest and watch a movie, he will still go over to that couch and cuddle up with his airplane blanket.

I don't think I am ready for him to outgrow the couch yet. He is at that sweet stage where cuddling up is still and option and he gets excited over the possibility of seeing his friends. I don't want time to go by as fast as it is going, yet am so excited to continue to watch him grow, learn, and turn more into the person God has intended him to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How's that commitment coming? Hope you are enjoying life so much that you are too busy to write about it :) LOVE YOU!