Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It is time to try this again!!!!

Okay, so I thought blogging would be easy--but I realize that I have not been doing a good job of updating it, so I am going to try again...and be committed!

Our last two years in a nutshell!
Harry and Jen: We moved to Aurora, IL June 2007. Nathanael was born Sept 2007. We lived there happily and made lots of great friends. At the end of Jan-early Feb Harry accepted a position with a new Law Firm in Minneapolis, MN. We put our house on the market on Feb. 24th (with the world's greatest Realtor) and it sold exactly one month later! We bought a house in Ramsey, MN and moved into the house on June 5th! We are finally feeling settled and working on making our house a "home." We have met many of our neighbors and are enjoying getting to know them! There are 21 kids under the age of 12 in just our street alone! It is a good feeling thinking about Nathanael being able to grow up with these kids!

Harry started with the firm Ross & Orenstein and he loves it. The firm specializes in Securities Litigation. He has been working hard, but not as many hours so we are really feeling how wonderful it is to be a family! He is doing really well at his job and heads to an arbitration in the beautiful city of Boca, Florida in mid September. Have I mentioned how difficult his job is :) I am only mildly jealous that he gets to go!

I have just accepted a full-time position with the Tom Emmer for Governor campaign and will be starting soon. Nathanael will go with Harry's second cousin Abby and we could not be more excited about this arrangement. Abby is a wonderful mom and is ready to welcome Nathanael into their family!

Nathanael turns two on Sept 5 (time go by fast) and I think that he hit his "terrible twos" about 6 months ago! He is growing into such a wonderful little boy and we could not be more proud of out little guy. This does not mean that he doesn't show his little monster within him and that we have not had our daily challenges, but we would not have it any other way! He is ALL-boy and we love him for it!
About 8 months ago we went through a very rough time with Nathanael. He started throwing up daily (sometimes multiple times a day), waking up a few nights a week, he had meltdown after meltdown, lost 4 pounds, he was behind in speech, and we never saw him smile. After a month and a half of this, we talked the doctors into seeing him. They had told us for a month and a half that he had a tummy virus and to take him off of food and put him on pedialite. Nathanael only had a handful of days in all that time that he was not put on pedialite. We had a great visit with a very observant and intelligent doctor who, with a blood test confirmation, diagnosed Nathanael with severe peanut and mold allergies and mild soy and dairy allergies. While this has posed a challenge for us feeding him, it was so wonderful to see our boy smile and laugh after only a week of being off of these foods.
We are now learning how to deal with the allergies, educate friends and family about his allergies and find many recipes that we can all eat! What a blessing! Nathanael has caught up with his speech is saying all sorts of things! He has learned his colors (although he can not say the word Orange yet!) and loves to count! His counting consists of "two, five, two five!" He loves playing any game that contains a ball and has recently discovered how much fun watching football with daddy can be! He enjoyed yelling "yay!" with daddy and throwing his arms up in the air yelling TOUCHDOWN as loud as he can!

There is the update!!! I promise to keep you all posted regularly!!!!

Harry, Jen, and Nathanael


Hans said...

I'm following you now, you have to keep up on this now.

Lilly Pad said...

YAY!!! So excited that you are blogging again. Please...please keep it up. We miss you guys and this helps us get a glimpse into your new life in Minneapolis. You can do it Jen!!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Blogging Jen!!